Palm-trees are also propagated by planting;[1] the trunk is
first divided with certain fissures two cubits in length which
communicate with the pith of the tree, and is then buried in
the earth. A slip also torn away from the root will produce
a sucker with vitality, and the same may be obtained from the
more tender among the branches. In Assyria, the tree itself
is sometimes laid level, and then covered over in a moist soil;
upon which it will throw out roots all over, but it will grow
only to be a number of shrubs, and never a tree: hence it is
that they plant nurseries, and transplant the young trees when
a year old, and again when two years old, as they thrive all
the better for being transplanted; this is done in the spring
season in other countries, but in Assyria about the rising of the
Dog-star. In those parts they do not touch the young trees
with the knife, but merely tie up the foliage that they may
shoot upwards, and so attain considerable height. When
they are strong they prune them, in order to increase their
thickness, but in so doing leave the branches for about half a
foot; indeed, if they were cut off at any other place, the operation would kill the parent tree. We have already[2] mentioned that they thrive particularly well in a saltish soil;
hence, when the soil is not of that nature, it is the custom to
scatter salt, not exactly about the roots, but at a little distance
off. There are palm-trees in Syria and in Egypt which divide
into two trunks, and some in Crete into three and as many as
five even.[3] Some of these trees bear immediately at the end of
three years, and in Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt, when they are
four years old; others again at the end of five years: at which
period the tree is about the height of a man. So long as the
tree is quite young the fruit has no seed within, from which
circumstance it has received the nickname of the "eunuch."[4]
1. The same methods of propagating the palm are still followed in the
East, and in the countries near the tropics.
2. In c. 7 of the present Book. See also B. xvii. c. 3.
3. Fée mentions one near Elvas in Spain, which shot up into seven distinct
trees, as it were, from a single trunk. The Douma Thebaica, he says, of
Syria and Egypt, a peculiar kind of palm, is also bifurcated. The fruit
of it, he thinks, are very probably the Phænicobalanus of B. xii. c. 47.
4. "Spado." Represented by the Greek eu)/nouxos and e)/norxos.